
JAKARTA - Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Marketing Director Mars Ega Legowo said the government will increase the quota for RON 90 or Pertalite fuel oil by around 29 to 32 million kiloliters (KL).

This quota has increased from the previous year which was prepared by 23 million KL, then it was increased again to 29 million KL.

"Because Pertalite is an assigned fuel, the volume of assignments from the government is 29 to 32 million KL", he said as quoted Thursday, January 5.

Mars Ega also revealed that currently, his party had received a Letter of Assignment from the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas).

Later, he continued, the fuel quota will be reviewed every three months.

"For the quota, every three months there is a volume verification review and we get an assignment from BPH Migas, actually the decree is evaluated every quarter", continued Mars Ega.

The addition of the fuel quota is in line with what was previously conveyed by the Head of BPH Migas Erika Retnowati who indicated that she would increase the quota for Pertalite fuel oil (BBM) in 2023.

Erika said this policy follows the post-COVID-19 recovery which has also increased people's mobility.

"Maybe we will announce it in early January", said Erika, quoted on Saturday, December 31.

Just so you know, consumption of Pertalite type fuel for 2022 has been realized as much as 29.23 million KL or 97 percent of the quota provided for 2022 of 29.91 percent.

Meanwhile, the realization of subsidized diesel reached 17.47 million KL or 97.98 percent of the total quota provided of 17.83 million KL and kerosene absorbed 100 percent or 0.485 million KL of what was prepared by the government.

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