
PT PLN (Persero) reports that throughout 2022 it has succeeded in increasing the ratio of electricityed villages to 99.78 percent until November 2022 with a total number of villages that have been electrified as much as 83,280.

The number of electricityed villages continues to increase from the previous years, in 2021 the ratio of electricityed villages is 99.65 percent with a total of 83,148 villages, and in 2020 it is 99.56 percent with a total of 83,072 villages.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained that thanks to support from the government, PLN managed to electrify 83,280 villages until November 2022.

Of these, 75,936 are electricity from PLN, 4,404 independent electricity, and 2,940 come from energy-efficient solar lights (LTSHE).

Darmawan is committed, PLN will continue to support the government's efforts to increase the electrification ratio so that all people can access electricity.

This commitment is in line with PLN's efforts to realize fair energy.

"Our brothers and sisters in remote areas have the right to enjoy electrical energy. For this reason, PLN, at the direction and support of the government, has this mandate. This is a step to realize the fifth precept of Pancasila, namely social justice for all Indonesian people," Darmawan told the media, Wednesday, January 4.

Just so you know, as of November 2022, the total village on the island of Sumatra that has enjoyed electricity is 25,403 of these, 25,278 are electricity from PLN, 113 are independent electricity and 12 are from LTSHE.

Meanwhile, for the islands of Java, Madura, and Bali, the total villages that have enjoyed electricity are 25,993, with details of electricity from PLN as many as 25,984 villages, independent electricity 6 villages, and LTSHE 3 villages.

For the Nusa Tenggara region, currently the total electricityed villages are 4,503. Of these, 4,231 villages received electricity from PLN, 221 from independent electricity and the remaining 51 came from LTSHE. Then in Kalimantan, 7,229 villages have enjoyed electricity with details of 5,993 from PLN, 1,128 independent electricity and 148 villages come from LTSHE, "he added.

Furthermore, for Sulawesi, the total number of villages that have enjoyed electricity is 10,567. Electricity from PLN has flowed 10,204 villages, while there are 284 villages of independent electricity, and the remaining 79 come from LTSHE.

Finally, for the Maluku and Papua regions, there are 9.585 villages that have enjoyed electricity, of which 4,286 villages received electricity from PLN, 2,652 from independent electricity and the remaining 2,647 came from LTSHE.

"We continue to strive to get to the 100 percent electrification ratio, one of which is through the Village Electricity program. This is an acceleration step so that people can enjoy electricity," added Darmawan.

In 2023, PLN will continue to increase the national electrification ratio. In particular, PLN will focus on increasing the electrification ratio in Eastern Indonesia, especially in remote areas so that it is hoped that by 2025 all people in Indonesia will be able to enjoy 24-hour electricity.

In the future, PLN will continue to encourage an increase in the ratio of electricityd villages. The hope is that the presence of electricity in 3T villages can help boost regional economic growth.

"We will continue to electrify throughout Indonesia. We build domestic energy by utilizing the potential of the country so as to provide added value to the nation. Electricity is the heart of Indonesia's economic growth. The presence of electricity is able to encourage the economy of the community, industry and the business sector," concluded Darmawan.

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