
JAKARTA - Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Perry Warjiyo made an overhaul on the leadership structure involving dozens of high-ranking central bank officials. In taking the oath of office held today, Perry appointed 26 (twenty-six) new leaders of Bank Indonesia.

The number consists of seven work unit leaders (Satker) at the head office and 18 representative office leaders and one Expert Staff of the Board of Governors.

"The determination of a new leader in Bank Indonesia is an element of organizational transformation and human resources," he said in a press statement on Wednesday, January 4.

According to Perry, the steps taken are also part of a consistent effort to strengthen the effectiveness of the organization and implementation of Bank Indonesia's duties.

"Two keys to institutional strength, namely leadership strength or human resources and technology that includes IT and digitization," he said.

To achieve this, continued Perry, leaders at Bank Indonesia need to hone leadership and have a strategic outlook for the future (strategic forest).

"All levels of leadership need to face every dynamic that occurs this year, including optimizing the policy direction of Bank Indonesia for stability and growth," concluded BI Governor Perry Warjiyo.

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