The Government Removes PPKM, BPH Migas Projects Improved Subsidized Fuel Consumption In 2023 Achieves 10 Percent
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)


JAKARTA - Member of the Committee of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas), Saleh Abdurrahman projected subsidized fuel oil consumption (BBM) such as Pertalite and Solar will increase by 6 to 10 percent in 2023. This increase in consumption was driven by the government's decision to lift the implementation of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) as well as the post-COVID-19 community mobility increase. "With seeing the projection of economic growth and revocation of PPKM, its growth projection is between 6 to 10 percent," Saleh said when contacted by VOI, Saturday 31 December. Saleh added, fuel absorption for this year could reach 99 percent of the entire quota provided by the government.BPH Migas noted, until December 28, 2022, the JBT type Solar Oil was distributed by 17.47 million KL or 97.98 percent of the total quota of 17.83 million KL, land oil of 0.485 million kl or had been distributed 100 percent of the quota of 0.485 million KL and JBKP Pertalite by 29.23 million KL or 97.73 percent of the 99.91 million KL quota. Saleh added, the government has also agreed that the diesel quota for 2023 is 17 million KL. "The diesel quota has been set by 17 million KL. Hopefully enough," concluded Saleh. Anticipating a surge in consumption in 2023, the Head of the Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) Erika Retnowati also hinted that it would add to the Pertalite type fuel quota (BBM) in 2023.Erika said, this policy follows post-COVID-19 recovery which also increased community mobility. "Maybe we will announce early January," said Erika, quoted on Saturday 31 December.Erika said, currently this policy is still in the process of signing a Decree (SK). Erika is also reluctant to reveal additional quantities that will be announced because there has been no official decision. "What is clear is the increase in demand than this year," concluded Erika.

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