JAKARTA - The Upstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) noted that the realization of the distribution of Pertalite type of fuel oil (BBM) from 2022 to December 28 reached 29.23 million kiloliters (KL) or 97 percent ari quota provided for 2022.
Head of BPH Migas Erika Retnowati said the quota provided by the government for Pertalite this year was 29.91 million KL.
"The JBKP Pertalite distributed was 29.23 million KL or 97.73 percent," he said, quoted on Saturday, December 31.
In addition to Pertalite, continued Erika, the realization of subsidized diesel has reached 17.47 million KL or 97.98 percent of the total quota provided by 17.83 million KL and kerosene has absorbed 100 percent or 0.485 million KL from what the government has prepared.
Erika further said, along with the recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic and increasing community mobility, BPH Migas then increased the fuel quota in October 2022.
The government increased the quota for Pertalite by 30 percent from the initial quota provided by 23.05 million KL to 29.91 million KL. Meanwhile, the government also increased the diesel quota from the initial year of 15.1 million KL to 17.83 million KL, an increase of 15.2 percent.
"The quota of kerosene increased 1.04 percent from 0.48 million kiloliters to 0.485 million kiloliters," said Erika.
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