
YOGYAKARTA CNG stands for Compressed Natural Gas. In Indonesia, compressed natural gas is known as Gas Fuel (BBG) and is used as an alternative fuel in addition to gasoline.

One area in Indonesia that applies CNG use is DKI Jakarta. In the capital, CNG is used as fuel for Trans Jakarta buses.


What is meant by compressed natural gas (CNG) is applied natural gas (compressed) at high pressure so that the volume becomes about 1/250 of the volume of natural gas in the state of the strandar.

The absorption of natural gas into CNG aims to get more gas that can be transported per unit of vehicle volume.

Quoted by VOI from the website of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Wednesday, December 28, 2022, CNG is made of methane compression (CH4) extracted from natural gas. CNG is stored and distributed in a pressure vessel, usually in the form of a cylinder. CNG has a pressure of 200 bars, with a larger tank than LGV gas fuel devoted to motorized vehicles.

The composition of natural gas that will be channeled to consumers through CNG must already meet commercial gas specifications, such as the maximum limits on water content, CO2 and heavy hydrocarbons.

Not only that, but the compression of natural gases at very high pressure also requires strict restrictions on the water content and heavy hydrocarbons to prevent condensation and hydrate formation.

natural gas transportation in the form of LNG requires delivery and reception facilities.

The difference between CNG and LNG and LNG

If CNG is made of methane compression (CH4) extracted from natural gas, then LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) is natural gas that is disbursed with the main components of propane (c3H8) and blind (C4H10).

Based on its type, LPG is grouped into LPG propane, LPG butana and mixed LPG (propana and butana).

LPG can be obtained from refining crude oil or from natural gas condensation in natural gas processing refineries.

The purpose of disbursing natural gas into LPG is to solve the problem of transportation to consumers because LPG volume is much smaller than the gas volume.

In order to maintain LPG gas in order to remain liquid at room temperature, LPG must be stored in a pressure tank (pressurized tank). Several types of processes that can be used to process natural gas so that LPG products are obtained, including absorption and cryogenic processes.

While Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) is methane gas with a composition of 90 percent methane disbursed at atmospheric pressure and a temperature of -163 degrees Celsius.

Before going through the disbursement process, methane gas must be cremated first to remove the content of compounds that are not expected to include CO2, H2S, Hg, H2O and heavy hydrocarbons.

This process will reduce gas volume by 600 times. This shrinking makes LNG easy to transport and in more quantities. LNG is transported by ships to LNG terminals and stored in tanks with atmospheric pressure. Then LNG is converted back into gas and channeled through the transmission system.

This is an explanation regarding the differences between CNG, LPG, and LNG. Keep in mind, CNG is compressed methane gas, so it is different from LPG and LNG.

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