
YOGYAKARTA The characteristics of fraudulent investment must be known so that you do not suffer losses when investing in a development company.

Investment itself is a cash or capital investment activity with the aim of making a profit. Currently, investment can be done easily, because there are many platforms that provide investment services.

In addition, investment can also be made with very small capital. Only with IDR 100,000, you can invest in the developer.

However, not a few people are trapped in fraudulent investments because they are tempted by multiple profits.

In the latest case, hundreds of students from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) were caught in a loan because of fraudulent investments. The victims suffered various nominal losses, ranging from Rp. 2 million to Rp. 20 million.

That's why you need to know the characteristics of fraudulent investments so you don't get fooled and fall into them. So, what are the characteristics?

The most easily recognized feature of fraudulent investment is, offering large profits in a short time.

This offer was made so that the victims were more interested and made investment without thinking. Instead of making a profit, Ada will suffer huge losses if she falls into fraudulent investments.

Quoted from the Instagram account of the Services Authority of Finance (OJK), Monday, December 26, 2022, here are the characteristics of fraudulent investments that need to be watched out for.

Bad investment usually comes from companies (developers) whose origins are not clear. This indicates that they are not credible in managing investment funds.

In addition, fraudulent investment companies are also not registered with the OJK. Therefore, you must be vigilant when choosing a company to invest in.

When you have invested in developers who offer fraudulent investments, usually the investment management will ask you to look for new investors. If successful, you will get a number of bonuses.

Just so you know, investment profits cannot be obtained in a short time. Therefore, you need to be vigilant if there are developers who offer unreasonable returns (investment returns) in a short period of time.

A trusted investment service provider company will not promise definite profits and repurchase guarantees.

Bad investment companies always offer their products through social media, such as WhatsApp groups, Telegram, and profiting the names of artists to make it easier to commit fraud.

Victims of fraudulent investments usually don't know what products they buy. They only deposit a certain amount of money according to the price of their products. This happens because investors only want high profits that they will get.

Entities that offer fraudulent investments usually do not have permission from the OJK to manage investments. Therefore, before investing, make sure to check investment management companies in the OJK.

This is information about the characteristics of fraudulent investments. Based on OJK data, public losses due to illegal investments aka fraudulent investments from 2011 to 2022 have reached Rp117.5 trillion.

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