
JAKARTA - The flow of passengers through Sepinggan Airport, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, is estimated to increase by 36 percent and the number of aircraft movements increases by 32 percent from normal days outside of Christmas and New Year celebrations.

"During Christmas and New Year, we calculate that there will be a movement of 2,125 aircraft with a total of 196,329 passengers," explained General Manager (GM) of PT Angkasa Pura I Sepinggan Airport Branch Rika Danakusuma, quoted from Antara, Sunday, December 26.

He continued, the flow of passengers going home or departing from Sepinggan Airport reached its peak on December 23 and 26, 2022, namely the day before Christmas and the day after Christmas.

On the 23 December, 7,553 passengers arrived and left via Sepinggan Airport. On Monday, December 26, it is estimated that it will reach 5,889 passengers.

Then the backflow will occur on December 30 with 5,887 passengers, and January 2, 2023 with 5,860 passengers.

In comparison, in 2021, there were 1,610 aircraft movements recorded with 143,886 passengers as a whole both arriving and leaving.

The surge in the number of passengers is estimated because the requirements to fly from the COVID-19 Task Force on average can be fulfilled, which has been vaccinated against COVID-19 3 times. Then it is believed that most passengers have bought flight tickets long ago when the price was still more friendly.

Then for the smooth flow of passenger movements during Christmas and this new year, Angkasa Pura I formed an integrated post on the Sepinggan Airport Departure Floor. At that post, personnel from the Airport Sector and TNI AU Air Force Base Dhomber were joined apart from Angkasa Pura I personnel.

"We will continue to coordinate and collaborate, prepare all airport facilities so that airport service users can use them optimally," said GM Rika.

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