
JAKARTA - NewJeans has become very different since leaving ADOR and opening a new social media account. If K-pop idols generally keep the songs prepared for release, Hanni NewJeans actually reveals her songs through Instagram.

In the uploaded video on the @jeanzforfree Instagram account, Hanni performs a song she created entitled 'weightless'.

"Finally I decided on the title for the song that I wrote (and this clip I filmed) a few months ago," Hanni wrote, citing an upload caption, Thursday, December 19.

Hanni sang her song with English lyrics while playing acoustic guitar. Melodinya is so simple, as well as the progression of the chords used.

"But it's not perfect and I still want to change some of the lyrics, but," said the Vietnamese-blooded idol.

Hanni is also aware that her voice is not optimal when singing. He is also well aware that the listeners' responses will be very diverse.

My voice sounds flat in some parts. And don't worry, I'm very aware and already considering whether I should upload it or not. Because this is not perfect according to my standards," said Hanni.

"But singing for me is not meant to be perfect, and I think I express certain feelings in this clip that feel very raw and according to the feelings I feel when writing this song," he continued.

The 20-year-old idol did not say that the song "weightless" was intended as his solo debut, but he promised to re-show the song with a better version.

"Take it easy, you love your song. I'll make sure to introduce it again in a slightly more 'perfect' version!!!"

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by