
PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) spoke about the incident of a minibus vehicle falling from KMP Shalem owned by private operator Surya Timur Lines. This incident occurred during the loading process at the syndicate of pier 2 Merak Ferry Port.

As is known, the incident of the sinking of a minibus from KMP Shalem occurred on Friday, December 23 at 21.45 WIB.

PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Corporate Secretary Shelvy Arifin said that the incident of a vehicle falling into the sea occurred when KMP Shalem was carrying out the loading process. Furthermore, there was a movement of the ship so that the vehicle that was right on the tongue of the cyderamp, fell into the sea.

"After the incident, ASDP together with Basarnas and Polairut immediately evacuated the crew of the small vehicle, and two minibus passengers were rescued," said Shelvy, Sunday, December 25.

ASDP has also coordinated with ship owners and other partners to evacuate the small vehicle, and was successfully lifted on Saturday, December 24 at 13.00 WIB.

"This incident is also confirmed not to interfere with the ready-to-fit operation at other piers," he said.

Shelvy said ASDP has also coordinated with partners regarding service user insurance rights. In this case, vehicle insurance claims.

"The vehicle claim will be processed by PT Jasaharja Putera, and for the cost of hospitalization by PT Jasa Raharja," he said.

Furthermore, Shelvy said ASDP is committed to safety aspects and complies with all safety-related regulatory rules.

"We apologize for the shortcomings in the services provided, of course we will continue to improve and continue to improve the quality of ASDP services to service users," Shelvy said.

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