
Pertamina Patra Niaga estimates that the consumption of gasoline types such as Pertamax Turbo, Pertamax and Pertalite in West Kalimantan during Christmas and New Year will increase by 7 percent from 1,833 Kiloliters (KL) per day when normal to 1,962 KL.

Gasoil fuel such as dex series and biosolar is expected to increase by 1.4 percent from a normal daily of 1,092 KL to 1,108 KL per day.

LPG is also predicted to increase 4.5 percent from normal daily distribution of 514 MT (Metric Ton) to 537 MT at Christmas and New Year's later.

Pertamina's Executive General Manager Patra Niaga Regional Kalimantan, M. Taufiq Setyawan said, PT Pertamina (Persero) through a Commercial & Trading sub-holding, namely PT Pertamina Patra Niaga, ensures that the supply and stock of fuel and LPG in West Kalimantan is safe during Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023.

"This increase is in line with the prognosis or our overall estimate in the Kalimantan region where gasoline type fuel products will increase by 5 percent and gasoil (dex series and biosolar) type fuel will increase by 1.5 percent during Christmas and this new year. Meanwhile, LPG is expected to increase by 5 percent," he told the media, Friday, December 23.

Regarding the resilience of fuel and LPG stocks, continued Taufik, Pertamina Patra Niaga in the Kalimantan Region ensures it is safe with an average stock security of between 8 and 15 accumulative days.

There are several supply points for fuel and LPG such as Pontianak Integrated Terminal, Sintang Fuel Terminal, Sanggau Jobber, Ketapang Jobber, Pontianak LPG Depot, and Pontianak STS (Ship to Ship) which are ready to meet the energy needs of fuel and LPG in West Kalimantan, "added Taufiq.

Pertamina Patra Niaga in the Kalimantan Region, he also said, had activated the Christmas and New Year's Task Force (Nataru) post from December 15, 2022 to January 8, 2023, which had the task of overseeing the distribution and stock preparedness throughout the Fuel Terminal, gas stations, SPPBE and LPG agents in the Kalimantan region, especially West Kalimantan.

"We hope that with the existence of this task force post, the certainty of distribution and stock readiness of fuel and LPG can be optimized properly. For people or consumers who need stock availability information or provide input and suggestions can contact Pertamina 135 or through the MyPertamina application," concluded Taufiq.

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