
Electricity is no longer a basic necessity that is difficult to reach for residents of Perajen Jaya Village, which is located in Banyuasin Regency, Palembang, South Sumatra. The presence of the state through State Capital Participation (PMN) has made the district, which is 74 km from Palembang City, can now enjoy PLN electricity.

Through a written statement from PLN, Perajen Jaya Village Head Andi Edi, before the PLN electricity entered the village with 1,500 families, they used generators to meet the electricity needs. However, they complained about the high cost of fuel oil. Moreover, according to Andi, the majority of the population works as fishermen, and some work as coconut farmers who need electricity to process their business results.

"We use oil for generators per month, usually IDR 600 thousand. We are very grateful for the presence of the country through PLN, starting from the beginning of cable installation, to this day, finally we can enjoy electricity which is much cheaper than using generators," said Andi, Sunday, December 18.

According to Andi, before using generators, the community used the Communal/Centralized Solar Power Plant (PLTS) as the main source of lighting. However, the lack of maintenance and knowledge, caused the PLTS to not function optimally.

One of the residents, Gauk admitted that he was very happy that electricity had flowed in his village. That way, he hopes that Perajen Jaya Village can be more advanced in industrial development, so that the community's economy will increase. Moreover, Perajen Jaya Village is considered to have great potential for the development of the fisheries and coconut processing industry.

It's nice to have PLN here. We really need this electricity, we can't depend on generators because buying oil is expensive. Hopefully with PLN electricity, we are still left behind, little by little we can progress, better, following developments like people in the city," said Gauk.

According to the General Manager of PLN Distribution Units of South Sumatra, Jambi, and Bengkulu (UID S2JB), Amris Adnan, his party has so far completed the construction of 13.58 kilometers of the Medium Voltage Air Line (SUTM) circuit (SUTM), 19.61 kms of Low Voltage Air Base (SUTR), and 9 units of distribution substations using PMN funds amounting to Rp 9.8 billion.

"Hopefully with the presence of PLN electricity, residents can enjoy energy more affordable, so that the community's economy can grow rapidly," concluded Amris.

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