
YOGYAKARTA - The impact of the wave of mass layoffs (PHK) at startup companies and major global companies will continue in 2022.

And Indonesia did not escape the impact, several large companies and technology startups also experienced cuts in the number of employees this year. Then, which Indonesian Startups are lay off employees this year?

Not long ago, GoTo confirmed it would reduce 1,300 employees or 12 percent of their total employees.

GoTo spokesman Audrey Petrino said the company should make difficult decisions amid a macroeconomic slowdown.

A similar step was achieved by Ruangguru. The company confirmed that it had carried out layoffs (PHK) for hundreds of employees.

This teaching startup (edutech) admits that it has been affected by the decline in the global economy.

"There are hundreds of Ruangguru employees who have been affected by the termination of this work relationship," said Ruangguru's Corporate Communication team, Friday (18/11).

Shopee also announced a decision to determine employment relations with its employees in Indonesia in mid-September (19/9). But the number is not told.


Ruangguru, a computerized teaching startup or edutech, took layoffs on hundreds of employees as of Friday, November 18.

This decision was taken due to the drastic deteriorating global market conditions.

"There are hundreds of Ruangguru employees who have been affected by the termination of this work relationship," said Ruangguru's Corporate Communications Team.


The hotel chain company from India, OYO Hotels and Homes Pvt Ltd, is running layoffs (PHK) to 600 people in its company department and technology.

"We will carry out everything we can to determine that a large number of people we have to issue, accept a profitable profession," said Chief Executive Officer Ritesh Agarwal.


Sayurbox, an e-grocery startup, runs a layoff (PHK) {to} 5 percent of the total employees as of December 6, 2022.

Sayurbox Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer Amanda Susanti said layoffs were components of the company's steps to be financially independent and grow sustainably in the long term amid global macroeconomic challenges.


Ajaib Group, investment company, carried out layoffs to 67 employees.

The company also cut the salaries of management. The founders also won't get a salary. This was done due to the global economic instability that had an impact on the company.


PT Goto Gojek Tokopedia Tbk or GoTo carried out layoffs to 12 percent of its total employees or as many as 1,300 people.


Ula, an Indonesian startup with an injection of Amazon boss Jeff Bezos' funds, has taken steps to cut off employment for its 134 employees.


LinkAja's computerized financial services lay off a number of employees for human resource reorganization.

Shopee Indonesia

PT Shopee Indonesia carried out layoffs from a number of company employees last September.

Shopee Indonesia's Head of Public Affairs Radynal Nataprawira explained that layoffs are the last step that the company must achieve as efficiency, after previously carrying out adjustments through some business policy changes.


The layoffs to employees of the TaniHub agricultural startup were the impact of the closure of warehouse operations in Bandung and Bali. However, the company did not tell the number of employees affected.


The company selling Tokocrypto computerized assets dismissed 45 employees or about 20 percent of the 227 workers.

Tokocrypto's VP of Corporate Communications Rieka Handayani told the dismissal of dozens of employees because the company will carry out business tactics changes in line with the crypto and economic markets in the world.

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Workers have been carrying out deception, theft, embezzlement of company-owned money tofu funds. Workers provide false or falsified information that harms the company. Junior workers, drinking alcohol, use or distribute narcotics, psychotropic substances, and other active substances, in the work environment.

How many severance pay for 2022 layoffs?

Work period of less than 1 year gets a total of 1 month of severance pay.

A working period of 1 year or more but less than 2 years gets 2 months of severance pay. Work period of 2 years or more but less than 3 years get a total of 3 months of severance pay.

What's the difference between layoffs and being fired?

Vulnerable layoffs and dismissal, although both of them mean losing the profession, are two different things.

In English, layoffs are referred to as laid off', although fired it is called fired.

Both have different influences on the rights you will be able to own from the company.

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