
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Housing held a ceremony to sign a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation Agreement on the Implementation of Flats Development Assistance (Rusun).

Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Ministry of PUPR Muhammad Zainal Fatah said the cooperation agreement through the signing of this memorandum of understanding is a form of support for the implementation of assistance for the construction of flats so that they are of the right quality, on time, on cost, and in administrative order.

"We hope that after the construction is completed, the flats can be occupied and used by each beneficiary so that the building remains functioning properly and can be used for a long period of time," Muhammad Zainal Fatah said in a statement received by VOI in Jakarta, Friday, December 9.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of PUPR Number 579/KPTS/M/2022, 126 flat recipients have been determined, consisting of 12 local government flats, 21 ministry/institutional flats, 29 university flats, and 64 flats for boarding school Religious Education Institutions.

The assistance provided consists of flats along with infrastructure, advice and utilities (PSU), as well as furniture.

On the same occasion, a cooperation agreement was also signed between the Ministry of PUPR and PT PLN (Persero) regarding the Provision of Electricity in the Implementation of Housing Development Assistance and the Provision of Special Houses.

The Director General (Dirjen) of Housing of the Ministry of PUPR, Iwan Suprijanto, said that this year there has been a joint commitment with PT PLN to ensure that the flats and special houses that have been built will be supplied with electric power.

Furthermore, said Iwan, the list has also been coordinated for the flats which are currently in the construction process, including the development of the Batang Integrated Industrial Zone (KIT) and other locations for the construction of flats in the 3T area (frontier, outermost and underdeveloped).

"We will synchronize the development plan, either flats or special houses throughout Indonesia to also be coordinated with PT PLN, so PT PLN has prepared a network development plan," he said.

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