
JAKARTA - The Lampung Provincial Government (Pemprov) targets 30 percent of Small and Medium Industries (IKM) in its area to enter the export market. To pursue this target, the Provincial Government is collaborating with OJk and the Indonesian Export Financing Agency. "Indeed, to facilitate that the Lampung IKM can be exported, an export forum for Lampung has been formed in collaboration with the OJK and the Indonesian Export Financing Agency," said Head of the Lampung Province Industry and Trade Office Elvira Umihanni, in Bandarlampung, Saturday, December 10. He said the formation of the Lampung export forum was aimed at facilitating IKM in his area to more easily enter the export market. "Hopefully, from 95 thousand IKM, at least 30 percent of IKM in Lampung can penetrate the export market in the future," he said as quoted by ANTARA. He continued that in facilitating IKM in his area to enter the export market, export training has also been carried out for IKM. " Export training for IKM is also carried out with three classes, namely beginner class, medium and proficient. And this is carried out in two stages with each class containing 20 IKM players," he said. According to him, through this training, SMEs can get information about potential buyers, exchange experiences, adapt destination countries to their respective products while determining the product market. "Hopefully IKM can continue to advance to class starting from a small volume, in addition to benefiting from sales but also from foreign exchange so that they can get greater income. And later IKM will continue to receive assistance from the Indonesian Export Financing Agency," he said. He said that in Lampung itself, IKM has been able to enter the export market, there are only 20 IKMs, so his party continues to encourage many IKMs to be able to enter the export market. "It will continue to be encouraged through export training, assisted in making all administrations such as product certification, increasing product capacity and quality as well. So from now on 20 IKMs entering the export market can be even more and this can improve the welfare of SMEs as well," he added.

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