
JAKARTA - The Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani, representing the government stated her understanding and approval of the report by the Working Committee (Panja) of Commission XI of the House of Representatives (DPR) on the deliberation of the Bill on the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (RUU P2SK).

This was conveyed by the Minister of Finance after hearing the resume read by the Chairman of the Working Committee on the P2SK Bill, Dolfie Othniel Frederic Palit, at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta.

"We approve this report and I believe this is the result of extraordinary work from all leaders and members of the DPR together with the government and other stakeholders", said the Minister of Finance who represented President Jokowi from government elements, Thursday, December 8.

In VOI's notes, the P2SK Bill contains 27 chapters and 341 articles which regulate several provisions, ranging from Bank Indonesia, OJK, and cooperatives, to digital finance and criminal sanctions.

Meanwhile, today's agenda is level I decision-making towards establishing the P2SK Law which will be ratified at the upcoming DPR Plenary Meeting as a legal product stipulation.

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