
The Ministry of Finance through the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) informed that the government had provided debt relief to 254 students who were in arrears in paying Education Development Contributions (SPP) throughout 2022.

Director of State Property DJKN Encep Sudarwan said the number decreased compared to the 2021 period of 237 students.

"In this crash program mechanism, we provide debt relief to students up to 80 percent of the total insured costs," he said during a media briefing in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 6.

Encep explained that the students received relief facilities because they had gone through a number of stages and were also verified by the state university campus (PTN) where they took shelter.

"So these students apply to their respective campuses. After that the campus verifies the data to be handed over to us through the State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL)," he said.

Furthermore, Encep also said that the most recorded debt relief applications were at the Malang State University with 171 people. Followed by Tanjungpura University 37 people, Universitas Sembila November Kolaka 23 people and others from Jakarta State Polytechnic, Banyuwangi Indonesian Aviation Academy, and Surabaya State Shipship Polytechnic.

"Indeed, judging from the value of this debt relief program, it is not too big. However, we expect wider participation from the community to actively apply for debt relief, so that it does not continue to accumulate so that it is paid off quickly," he said.

In addition to facilities for students, Sri Mulyani's ranks have also provided debt relief to 1,049 hospital patient debtors, 461 debtors with a receivable value of up to IDR 8 million, 92 micro, small and medium enterprise debtors (MSMEs), and 270 other debtors.

"We ensure that this program is given to people who have a small debt scale. If the big one is like a debtor or BLBI obligor, it will not be able to follow the crash program mechanism," he concluded.

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