
JAKARTA - The Regional Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regional 8 Bali and Nusa Tenggara recorded that lending in Bali Province until October 2022 reached IDR 98.18 trillion, which was dominated by its use for working capital loans.

"In the October 2022 position, both credit disbursement and collection of Third Party Funds, banks in Bali are experiencing growth," said Head of OJK Regional 8 Bali-Nusra Giri Tribroto while holding a Journalists Meeting in Gianyar, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, December 6.

According to Giri, this performance has contributed to the continued economic recovery in Bali Province amid the increasingly controlled conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The disbursement of credit reached Rp98.18 trillion, which grew 3.45 percent (yoy) higher than the previous quarter which grew by 3.22 percent (yoy).

"Bank Umum credit growth in Bali is 3.33 percent (yoy), while BPR reaches 4.28 percent (yoy)," he said.

Berdasarkan jenis penggunaannya, pertumbuhan kredit didorong oleh peningkatan kredit Modal Kerja dan Investasi sebesar Rp38,61 triliun. Kemudian untuk Konsumsi sebesar Rp34,34 triliun dan untuk Investasi sebesar Rp25,23 triliun.

Meanwhile, based on its sector, credit growth was contributed by the Large and Ecerant Trade and Agriculture, Hunting, and Forestry sectors.

"This increase in lending is in line with the policy of easing community activities and increasing tourism activities in Bali," he said.

Meanwhile, the collection of Third Party Funds (DPK) until October 2022 reached IDR 137.22 trillion or double digit growth, namely 20.11 percent (yoy) grew higher than the previous quarter of 17.63 percent (yoy).

Based on its type, the increase in DPK was supported by the increase in Giro and Tabungan. This condition reflects that the economy in Bali Province has started to stretch.

Meanwhile, from the October 2022 position intermediation function, it fell compared to the previous quarter, as reflected in the Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) which fell from 73.16 percent to 71.55 percent. This is because credit growth is lower than the growth of the DPK.

Giri added, related to credit restructuring affected by COVID-19 in Bali (based on project sites), it decreased from Rp45.80 trillion in December 2020 to Rp35.54 trillion or decreased by 22.39 percent in the position in September 2022.

Berdasarkan sektor ekonomi, restrukturisasi kredit karena COVID-19 berlokasi proyek di Provinsi Bali didominasi oleh sektor Penyediaan Akomodasi dan Penyediaan Makanan Minum (porsi 37,48 persen).

Furthermore, the Large and Retail Trade sector; Revenue and Maintenance of Cars and Motorcycles (ports 23.63 percent), and the Household sector (17.56 percent).

"Still related to credit restructuring, Bali is also an area that gets an extension of the credit/financing restructuring policy for one year until March 31, 2024," he said.

The policy is as stated in the Decree of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority Number 34/KDK.03/2022.

The decision of the OJK Board of Commissioners regarding the Determination of the Sector for the Provision of Accommodation and Provision of Drinking Food, Textile and Textile Products Sector and Footwear, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Segment, and Bali Province as Sectors and Regions that require special treatment of Bank Credit or Financing.

In the agenda of the Journalists Meeting, Giri Tribroto was accompanied by the Supervision Director of the Bali OJK Regional 8 Financial Services Institute Nusra Ananda, Deputy Director of Strategic Management, EPK and Partnership of the Budi Susetiyo Regional Government and Deputy Director of Supervision of Financial Services 2 Institutions and Yan Jimmy Hendrik S.

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