
It is believed that the household sector will receive stronger pressure before the close of 2022. This is because a number of basic goods prices have begun to increase along with seasonal trends at the end of the year.

This indication is reflected in the latest data reported by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) today. It was stated that there were at least two basic items that experienced a spike in the selling value, namely rice and soybean derivative food products.

Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics, BPS Setianto, said rice commodities had increased sharply since August 2022. At that time, the price of this food supply was IDR 11,500 per kilogram.

This figure then shot up to IDR 11,700 per kilogram in September, then IDR 18,737 per kilogram in October, and IDR 11,877 per kilogram in November.

"The increase in rice prices in the last four months has been influenced by seasonal effects, namely the decline in production which usually occurs towards the end of the year, as well as adjustments to the price of fuel oil (BBM)," he said.

Similar trends also occur in food ingredients made from soybeans. According to Setianto, the price of tempeh has consistently increased since September with IDR 12,421/kg, October IDR 12,682/kg, and November IDR 12,949/kg.

Meanwhile, tofu recorded an increase in prices from Rp. 11,330/kg in September to Rp. 11,438/kg in October, and Rp. 11,680/kg in November.

"The increase in the price of tofu and tempeh is caused by the low stock of soybeans in the country," he said.

Furthermore, Setianto revealed that the price of this commodity on an annual basis (year on year/yoy) jumped 12.4 percent tofu and 13.5 percent to tempeh products.

Not quite there, he also found that there was a slowdown in soybean shipments from abroad amid increasing market demand.

"The information we received from Bappenas and the Ministry of Agriculture was that soybean imports were quite slow," he said.

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