
PT PLN (Persero) managed to recover 1,844 distribution substations and 21 auctioners who previously experienced disruptions after the Cianjur earthquake. Less than 34 hours, electricity supply to 326,028 customers returned to normal.

Previously, an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 had rocked Cianjur and its surroundings on Monday, November 21, which also had an impact on the local electricity system.

PLN President Director, Darmawan Prasodjo said, hundreds of officers were deployed quickly since the incident to immediately restore the Cianjur electricity system, which was extinguished due to the impact of the earthquake.

"With the collaboration of various parties, in less than 34 hours we have succeeded in distributing electricity back to the entire community. Public facilities such as hospitals, roads, village halls to volunteer posts have been successfully restored and restarted," Darmawan explained in his statement to the media, Wednesday, November 23.

Darmawan also expressed his appreciation to the government, community, apparatus and various parties, including PLN volunteers from various surrounding areas who have been involved and actively contributed to accelerating post-earthquake electricity recovery in Cianjur.

"Personally and representing PLN, I would like to thank all parties, especially the Regional Government, Security Apparatus, Local Residents and also PLN personnel who have contributed greatly to channeling back electricity to the affected communities, so that in a short time the PLN electricity network will recover and restart," said Darmawan.

PLN Distribution Director Adi Priyanto said that in the recovery process there were many obstacles in the field, but with the collaboration of various parties everything could be resolved.

"There are several areas where the substation collapsed and access was covered by landslides due to the earthquake. By deploying heavy equipment, finally the access can be passed immediately and the joint team immediately repaired the electricity network," he said.

To relieve earthquake victims, PLN also set up an emergency tent at the Cianjur Regional General Hospital (RSUD) to accommodate patients and residents whose houses were damaged. PLN's quick action through YBM in building public kitchens for affected residents was also felt directly by residents. A total of 1,500 food packages were distributed to residents.

In addition, dozens of medical personnel and logistics personnel also went directly to provide direct treatment and assistance. 2 ambulances and 1 rescue car were also deployed to continue to move in helping logistics and post-disaster recovery.

PLN appealed to people who need information about electricity and submit complaints to access the PLN Mobile application.

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