
YOGYAKARTA Digital marketing strategy is a series of efforts to build business presence on various digital platforms.

Through digital marketing strategies, a business can reach customers or potential customers on various digital platforms, create brand awareness (brand awareness) and increase the value of conversion.

How to Make a Digital Marketing Strategy

As mentioned above, a digital marketing strategy was created to create brand awareness and attract new customers to your brand.

By having an effective digital marketing strategy, you will be able to achieve certain digital goals. So, how to make an effective digital marketing strategy? Check out the following explanation.

1. Determine Business and Campaign Goals

Before making a digital marketing strategy, the first thing you have to do is determine the business goals and goals of campaigns aka marketing.

Ask yourself what you want to achieve with the business and marketing strategy that will be used in detail and specifics.

That way, you will stay focused on the steps to be taken. Without any goals, you may never know what successful marketing is like.

2. Do Market Research

A business will be difficult to develop without any in-depth market research. A series of research conducted can develop understanding and make decision making easier. Market research can be a tool to understand the complexity of your business problems.

Market research can be done by asking the closest people to provide feedback to your business and what consumers want from your business and products.

Although the response obtained is not complete, you will get a lot of new insights that can be applied in digital marketing strategies.

3. Determining Audiences Who Want to Be Targeted

The next way to make a digital marketing strategy is to target the audience for your product or business.

The Audience target is a certain group of consumers who most likely want your products or services.

Quoted by VOI from Reliablesof, Monday, November 21, 2022, in the identification of your audience, you must include things like:

4. Understand the Digital Marketing Function concept

What is meant by digital marketing function is a model that represents the travel process of prospective customers in getting to know your products or businesses.

This step makes it easier to understand the audience that is the target of your business.

5. Make Content Development Planning

Content plan development planning is a document that includes all marketing assets and data collection functions needed to achieve the goals that have been set.

Selain itu, content plan juga terdiri dari timeline kerja dan apa saja yang akan Anda lakukan dalam waktu tertentu serta jenis konten apa yang Anda perlu untuk mencapai tujuan pemasaran digital Anda untuk masing-masing channel.

6. Evaluating Digital Marketing Strategy

Once you have an effective digital marketing strategy, the next thing you have to do is evaluate your strategy periodically.

Know how customers interact with what you share and how effective your efforts are in achieving the goals you have set.

7. Analyzing All Used Assets

Finally, analyze all business assets and platforms that you have used, including websites, blog content, social media accounts and so on.

This step can help you improve your direction and learn from things that don't go according to plan.

That's the information about how to make an effective and targeted digital marketing strategy. Hopefully it will be useful!

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