
JAKARTA - Director of PT Maluku Energi Abadi (Perseroda), Musalam Latuconsina revealed that Maluku Governor Murad Ismail asked for a 30 percent portion of the Bula (WK) working area and Non-Bula Seram WK.

Previously, the Maluku Provincial Government (Pemprov) requested a participation right of 10 percent.

Musalam explained that his party had also started the negotiation stage for the transfer of participating interest (PI) of 10 percent with two Cooperation Contract Contract Contractors (KKKS) namely, CITIC Seram Energy Limited and KALREZ Petroleum Limited since January 13, 2022, but both have not submitted a request for transfer to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources.

"Thus K3S has broken promises on their respective Result Sharing Contracts (KBH) and resulted in material losses for Maluku Province," said Musalam.

In fact, based on the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 223.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2022 concerning the Implementation of 10 percent PI Offer Provisions to BUMD at WK Migas, the two KKKS should have submitted a request for transfer of PI 10 percent since November 6.

Musalam explained that the 30 percent demand for rights was not without reason.

The reason, he said, for almost a century of operation, the oil and gas block at the east end of Seram Island has not had an impact on the welfare of the community, both in terms of employment, increasing the income of the surrounding community to reducing poverty and other multiplayers effects on the economy of the people of Maluku, especially the Eastern Seram Regency.

Governor Murad Ismail strongly requested the amount of Interes Participation for Maluku Province at a minimum of 30 percent (perty percent) each at KBH WK Migas Bula and Seram Non-Bula and if the request is not fulfilled, then all licensing recommendations related to the operationalization of K3S, both KALREZ and CITIC, which have been issued by the Maluku Provincial Government will be evaluated until they are given a revocation sanction," he said.

Furthermore, he added, the signing of the 10 percent PI Transfer Agreement to BUMD should have been implemented on November 1, 2022, in Jakarta, but KALEZ did not attend without giving reasons.

The Assistant for Civil and State Administration of the Maluku High Prosecutor's Office, Sigit Prabowo, revealed that the position of the Maluku High Prosecutor's Office represented by the Head of the Attorney General's Office was as a Member of the Maluku Regional Investment Acceleration Team which was formed based on President Jokowi's Decree Number 11 of 2021 concerning the Task Force for the Acceleration of Investment which has accompanied BUMD from the start. can feel theism of the transfer process of PI which has taken almost two years since November 2020.

"I respect if indeed the Governor asks for a portion to be 30 percent, but I still remind all parties, both the Regional Government and the Central Government, and of course K3S must comply with the principles in all applicable laws and regulations," explained Sigit.

For information, based on Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 37/2016, the transfer of 10 percent PI in two WK Migas Bula and Non-Bula Seram has reached stage 9 of the 10 stages set by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources. BUMD PT Maluku Energi Abadi (Perseroda) appointed by the Governor of Maluku as recipients and/or manager of PI 10 percent the two oil and gas blocks have carried out all stages in accordance with applicable regulatory provisions

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