
JAKARTA - Senior Economist of CORE Indonesia Hendri Saparini said the implementation of a green economy requires a jurisdiction approach or the making of government regulations to ensure certainty, especially for business actors.

"If there is no government regulation to apply a green economy, we have no reference on how committed we are, what will be committed to, and what we make more consistent," he said in the Green Economy webinar quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 16.

He said that actually compared to other countries in the world, Indonesia's carbon emissions are still relatively low so that Indonesia can still produce carbon emissions to create more jobs, increase Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and increase people's per capita income.

"Share (carbon emissions), developing countries are still very small. Meanwhile, the carbon emissions of America, Europe and China alone are more than 60 percent of the world's total carbon emissions," he said.

In the short term, developed countries must reduce their carbon emissions to balance carbon emissions from developing countries that need to grow. After developing countries grow, both of them can only go hand in hand to reduce carbon emissions.

With a jurisdiction approach, apart from regulations, the government also needs to draw up a roadmap for implementing a green economy in detail, which is also made by the provincial and district or city governments. "This will make the direction of implementing the economy clearer, including for regions with different characteristics from one another," he said.

He gave an example, the Central Java Provincial Government needs to create a roadmap for implementing a green economy that is in accordance with Central Java's characteristics with the economy which is dominated by the manufacturing industry, especially food and beverages.

"We need one document that Central Java has and will be our reference in collaborating and compiling the division of tasks from each party," he said.

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