
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) is collaborating with an innovator who developed a semiconductor technology called Sehat Sutardja, this year.

This collaboration was symbolically carried out by signing an agreement by the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Industry, Dody Widodo, with Sehat Sutardja inventors, who are co-founders of a semiconductor company from the United States, Marvell Technology.

This is done as a form of commitment to the development of the semiconductor industry in Indonesia.

"We are trying to reduce semiconductor dependence whose supply chain is getting more difficult and the need is getting higher, so we have to prepare the supply," said Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita in a written statement, Tuesday, November 15.

Agus hopes that this collaboration can encourage the development and capacity of semiconductor industries in Indonesia so that they can have an independent and structured semi-conductor industry for the future.

"One form of cooperation is the construction of the IC Design Center (IC Design Center) in Indonesia," he said.

Agus added that his party also wants this cooperation to be compiled in as much detail as possible so that it becomes an important foothold for the growth of the semiconductor industry in Indonesia.

"Mr. Sehat is also a brilliant diaspora that has many patents. We need to make good use of his ideas," he said.

On the other hand, Sehat welcomes the cooperation as a form of its contribution to technology development in Indonesia and participates in industrial growth in the future.

Still, Agus said, his desire to bring the technologies he created back to Indonesia.

"Hopefully, in the future these technologies can be produced in collaboration with the government and Indonesian companies," he said.

He hopes that through cooperation between his party and the Ministry of Industry, there will be a message that he wants to convey, especially for Indonesians who are currently working in other countries, including the United States.

"We need to do our best and try things that are challenges, especially for the younger generation," he concluded.

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