
YOGYAKARTA - Cooking business is one business that can be said to be timeless. As we see today, the findings of food or cooking business are increasing and unique. One of the business choices in the food sector is frozen food or frozen food. Easy storage, food security that takes a long time, and easy to process makes frozen food business enthusiasts often sought after by consumers.

A fairly large business opportunity to make this frozen food business is also in demand by many people. Especially again, you can also start from home. Not only nuggets, potatoes, or fish, now there are many kinds of food that can be processed into frozen food or frozen food.

Before stepping into the system, let's first identify what frozen food is! Frozen food is a processed food, then stored in frozen condition to extend the product's shelf life by blocking microbial growth, enzymeatic, and chemical reactions so that the product is always safe and quality-preserved.

Determine Products

The first thing that must be done to start a frozen food business is to determine the products to be marketed. There are a lot of frozen foods that you can choose from, including:

Instead, you run a survey before choosing a product. The goal is to determine the variety of products that are selling well in the market.

Jangan sampai Anda salah pilih produk yang dapat membukin bisnis tidak berjalan dengan lancar.

frozen food can be served frozen or cooked first.

The method of serving frozen food that has been cooked can be done with a burning or fried system. As a complement, you can also provide a variety of sauces.

Just choose the product variety along with the presentation system as the survey results.

If in your environment there are many children, marketing snacks in the form of mature frozen food can be a good opportunity.


After considering a variety of products that are suitable for marketing, now you need to take into account capital. Consider all the needs in detail to determine the amount of capital required.

You can use the BukiWarung application to help you manage your business finances.

Some of the things that need to be prepared are:

Completeness and also materials purchased at the beginning do not need to be large immediately. Just adjust it to the amount of capital you have.

What if you don't have enough capital? The reason is that you can apply for business credit to the bank you trust.

If you don't want to have a debt to the bank, you should first collect your capital with a savings system.


At previous values, various kinds of equipment have been told.

If you only market frozen food that has been packaged at the factory, the only completeness that needs to be prepared is the freezer.

If you intend to process raw materials for yourself into various variety of frozen foods, the completeness needed will be even more.

At least you need meat pangolins or food processors, airproof packaging, vacuum equipment, and also press equipment.

How to Market

The next tip is related to the marketing system or product promotion. You can apply the old promotion method, namely from mouth to mouth or leave it in a grocery store.

Unfortunately, this method is not on target to increase sales.

There is another method that you can do for business promotion, namely through online media. Advert your business and products through social media.

If your capital is large enough, try the same profession as influencers to increase sales.

Frozen food is indeed a home business. But this does not mean that the marketing is only around the house.

At this time, communication technology has become more sophisticated, relying on word of mouth marketing is certainly not on target and efficient.

Market products by placing advertisements on various social media platforms that you have. For example, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and also Whatsapp.

What if the distance between consumers and your location is far?

Don't worry, Right now there are online motorcycle taxi services that are ready to deliver orders anywhere. To make it more targeted, you can also register your business with GrabFood, GoFood, Shopeefood and others.

So, you just have to wait for orders.

Give certain discounts or bonuses to consumers on big days such as Independence Day or Mother's Day. The goal is for sure, to attract potential buyers.

So after knowing the frozen food business, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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