
JAKARTA - Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan (Minister of Trade Zulhas) said foreign trade continues to be boosted by increasing bilateral trade agreements.

Zulhas will also involve micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

This was conveyed at the inauguration of the 37th opening of the Trade Expo Indonesia, at ICE, BSD, Tangerang, Wednesday, October 19. This event took place from 19 to 23 October 2022. Zulhas said that the 37th Trade Expo Indonesia displays the main products, namely from the manufacturing sector, accessories, fashion, beauty, health, medical care, furniture, decorations to digital services and beverage food. "The company is big, but 30 percent we allocate to MSMEs," said Zulhas.

On that occasion, Zulhas also mentioned that one of the foreign trade agreements that had a commitment was with Qatar.

He said, Qatar has considerable trade potential.

"The trade mission to Qatar managed to record a potential transaction value of nearly 100 billion US dollars, because what we invited MSMEs for Muslim clothing, coffee, which was small to 100 billion, was huge," said Zulhas.

In the implementation of TEI, said Zulhas, a commitment to buying mission was also signed. Where before the exhibition opened, there was a contract of 1.5 billion US dollars.

"Therefore, we from the Ministry of Trade are confident that this exhibition will be completed. Hopefully we can get a contract from the export results, hopefully we can reach 10 billion US dollars," he said.

Furthermore, Zulhas said, in the future his party will focus more on working on non-traditional markets to overcome the slowdown in the world economy.

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