
JAKARTA - The government through the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) of the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) invites South Korea to participate in building the MRT Jakarta Phase 4 network.

"We really hope that South Korea can participate in the development of the MRT Jakarta Phase 4 and repeat the good cooperation that has existed before in the development of the first phase of the Jakarta LRT," said Transportation Minister (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi in a statement quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 18.

On the sidelines of the 28th ASEAN Transport Minister Meeting in Bali, Monday, October 17, the Minister of Transportation offered the South Korean delegation and a number of member countries as well as ASEAN's speech partners a number of railway projects.

The railway projects offered include MRT Jakarta Phase 4, development of the Jakarta LRT, and development of the Bali LRT.

Parallel with the 28th ASEAN Transport Minister Meeting in Bali, DJKA also held a meeting with the K-Consortium, which is a consortium made in South Korea to follow up on the proposed construction of the MRT Jakarta Phase 4.

During the meeting, the Director of Traffic and Railway Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Risal Wasal said that the MRT Jakarta Phase 4 will be built with the east-west corridor and is planned to be integrated with the north-south corridor which has already been built.

"There are at least three proposed routes reviewed in the initial study of the MRT Jakarta Phase 4, namely option I from Soekarno-Hatta Airport to the Jakarta International Stadium, option II from Pondok Gede to Joglo, and option III from TMII to Fatmawati," said Risal.

Risal explained that each of the proposed cross options has its own potential and constraints.

However, he said that an initial study had been carried out to agree on the cross option to be offered to South Korea.

As for the Multi-Criteria Analysis study that has been carried out, the most likely crossing to be built is the Fatmawati-TMII crossover.

This is because the Fatmawati-TMII cross has the fewest obstacles and passes through many community activity centers so that it is expected to transport more people than other cross options.

Risal further conveyed that the MRT Jakarta Phase 4 for cross Fatmawati-TMII will later be built in a floating and underground manner.

"The Fatmawati-TMII corridor has a narrow road percentage of 31 percent so that if it is built completely, it will take a lot of roads," he said.

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