
JAKARTA - Lion Air Group confirmed that a man named Muhammad John Jaiz Boudewijn who attacked the Turkish Airlines airline on a plane with an Istanbul-Jakarta flight route was his employee. More precisely the pilot of Batik Air airline. "The male passenger with the initials MJ (48) is indeed one of the Lion Air Group employees," said Corporate Communications Strategic of Lion Air Group, Danang Mandala Prihantoro, in an official statement received by VOI, Wednesday, October 12. Dalam penerbangan tersebut, kata Danang, Muhammad John Jaiz Boudewijn sedang tidak dalam posisi bertugas kepentingan profesional dan perusahaan. In this case, the person concerned made the trip for personal purposes during the leave period or on leave. Furthermore, Danang emphasized that the actions taken by Muhammad John Jaiz Boudewijn were the personal responsibility of the person concerned. Therefore, Lion Air Group requested not to involve the Lion Air Group company. Because, which has an impact on harming the company. "Lion Air Group does not interfere in the private realm. Regarding the actions taken from individuals, it is a personal responsibility as a passenger," he said. Regarding incidents or events that occurred, said Danang, Lion Air Group respects the efforts that have been handled and are being carried out by related and interested parties, which is expected to be completed according to applicable provisions. Danang emphasized that Lion Air Group strongly supports flight safety, security, and comfort. As well as complying with the rules and conditions imposed in prioritizing safety-qualified factors. "Lion Air Group supports agencies or agencies authorized to explore and resolve the incident," he said. As previously reported, Turkish Airlines flight to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Tangerang, was diverted to its landing at Kualanamu Airport, Medan on Tuesday, October 11. The reason is that it is suspected that there were passengers who physically attacked the airline's crew. The flight route Istanbul-Jakarta was known to have changed its landing after an attack incident by one of the passengers on the plane. The news of Turkey Airlines' landing was also confirmed by the Angkasa Pura II Corporate Communication team, Cin Asmoro. However, regarding the details of the incident, his party is still waiting for complete information from the Medan Kualanamu airport. "We are still waiting for confirmation from Kualanamu Airport. We are currently coordinating with the airport," he told VOI, Wednesday, October 12.

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