
JAKARTA PT Bahana TCW Investment Management (Banahan TCW) recorded a growth in the value of net activation (NAB) by 14.8 percent year to date (ytd) to Rp15,157.13 per unit until October 7, 2022 on mutual fund products Bahana Dana Prima.

Director of Investment Bahana TCW Doni Firdaus said this nick made the product one of the best mutual stock funds compared to other similar mutual funds.

"In the last four months, Bahana Dana Prima recorded an managed fund of Rp93.1 billion, an increase of 66 percent since June 10, 2022, which is at the level of Rp56.39 billion," he said in a written statement on Tuesday, October 11.

According to Doni, applying the Core-Satllite Investing strategy in Bahana Dana Prima which divides the portfolio into big cap stocks to manage risks to be on par with market risks and returns.

We are also spreading to active satellite stocks aimed at adding returns to achieve above the market. These products are very focused on stocks that we believe have a good turnaround story and fundamentals so that they have a significant weight on portfolios," he said.

Doni added that this strategy began with a comprehensive assessment of an issuer that will be underlying and followed by turnaround story and fundamental analysis.

It was revealed that the entire process of product development and determining the investment portfolio was based on the very strict principles of risk culture and the principles of good corporate governance (GCG).

"This whole assessment process has succeeded in selecting a well-performing issuer that has contributed to the increase in the yields of a mutual fund product," he added.

Furthermore, he stated, this comprehensive strategy is also important to manage investment portfolios, especially stock mutual funds amidst the current global economic uncertainty.

Then, the Composite Stock Price Index (JCI) throughout the first week of October 2022 showed weakness.

This is based on global and domestic sentiment such as investor concerns over Fed's plans to raise interest rates next week.

In addition, the domestic monthly inflation rate which reached 1.17 percent (month-to-month) in September which was its highest record since December 2014. This dynamic economic condition requires investment managers to innovate in product management and development in order to choose [RSW2] underlying asset mutual funds with optimal returns," he said.

Doni assessed that the economic condition, which is still very dynamic, needs to pay attention to the diversification of its investment.

This is needed so that the targeted returns can be achieved.

In addition, it is also necessary to pay attention to the risk profiles of each [RSW3] investment instrument and match it with their respective investment profiles.

"Keep in mind the risk of changing economic and political conditions, the risk of decreasing investment value, liquidity risks, credit risks are necessary to always be calculated not only in mutual funds but also in other investment instruments," concluded Doni.

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