
JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) and the Regional Office of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) of East Kalimantan signed a cooperation agreement in the land sector. This collaboration includes support for the acceleration of land certification which is state property (BMN) Hulu Migas which is still outstanding, and assistance in solving land problems for upstream oil and gas activities in East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan regions.

The signing of the cooperation was carried out by SKK Business Support Deputy Migas Rudi Satwiko and Head of the East Kalimantan ATR/BPN Regional Office Asnaedi in Balikpapan.

"The signing of this collaboration is in the context of a follow-up to the MOU which has been signed by the Head of SKK Migas and Minister of ATR/BPN related to the cooperation and support of ATR/BPN to cooperation contract contractors (KKKS) with working areas in the provinces of East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan. This activity is one of the SKK Migas efforts to provide support to the KKKS so that matters related to land can be resolved in the field," said Rudi Satwiko in a statement to the media, Friday, October 7.

Rudi further said that one of the challenges in the upstream oil and gas industry is non-technical matters such as land acquisition. Before land acquisition activities, of course, it must be ensured that the status of the land is clear and clean so that it does not cause legal problems in the future.

"Through collaboration with the East Kalimantan ATR/BPN Regional Office, it is hoped that it can provide convenience and certainty for KKKS in this province in the land acquisition process, land certification processes and other problems with a more measurable and fast time, so that there are no obstacles for activity schedules such as drilling, construction of production facilities and others," said Rudi.

He added that assets in the upstream oil and gas industry will become state assets, so with this collaboration it is hoped that assets will be more secure in the form of land, so that when they become BMN they can be utilized by upstream oil and gas activities and are not constrained by the legality aspect of land.

On the same occasion, the Head of the East Kalimantan ATR/BPN Regional Office, Asnaedi, hopes that he can immediately form an Integrated Team for the resolution of the upstream oil and gas BMN land certification and problems. The TErpadu team formed will move quickly and together to identify the problems and collect the data needed to accelerate certification.

"The Land Office with the initiation of SKK Migas KKKS in East Kalimantan will immediately coordinate for this," he said.

Efforts to be able to realize the national oil and gas production increase target that has been launched by the Government in 2030, namely oil production of 1 million barrels per day and gas 12 billion cubic feet per day, not only depending on investment and technical matters. However, non-technical things also have a big impact on the success of the upstream oil and gas industry.

For this reason, SKK Migas continues to cooperate with various parties related to the upstream oil and gas industry to achieve the same understanding about the importance of supporting the sustainability of the upstream oil and gas industry, and the end is the support of stakeholders in assisting the smooth operation of the upstream oil and gas industry.

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