
JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) encourages industrial activity in the Bekasi - Cikarang area by providing voltage for the 150 kV Main Substation, Tambun Extension.

This project was carried out by the West Java Development Main Unit (PLN UIP JBB) through the West Java 3 Project Implementation Unit (UPP JBB 3). The voltage for this project was successfully carried out on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, in the project construction area, precisely on Mustika Jaya Street, Mustika Jaya District, Bekasi City.

General Manager of PLN UIP JBB, Octavianus Padudung explained the importance of building this electricity infrastructure to increase the capacity for the distribution and reliability of electricity supply in Jabodetabek, especially in the Jababeka area.

Industrial activities in the East Bekasi area, the cities of Tambun and West Cikarang are increasing along with the downward trend in COVID-19. Not only that, but the climate of economic growth continues to increase. This is our main concern so that we can provide excellent and reliable electricity supply," said Octavianus in his statement, Wednesday, October 5.

Octavianus said apart from supporting industry and businesses in the region, the success of energy from Ext 2 Line Bay Tambun #3 and #4 GI 150 kV Tambun will support the development of the Bay Line towards the GIS New Tambun/GIS 150 kV Tambun 2.

This step is further said to reduce the burden of implementation and can maintain the reliability of electricity supply from GI Tambun towards Pondok Kelapa, where the East Bekasi area is one of the areas that is growing rapidly in West Java.

The construction of the Ext Line Bay GI 150 kV Tambun, which received electricity supply from GITET 500 kV Cibatu, also pays attention to the Interior Component Level aspect which is important to drive the domestic economy.

"This project has an investment value of Rp. 18.69 billion. Where we also take into account the Domestic Component Level aspect of up to 54 percent on this project work," explained Octavianus.

Increasing electricity reliability in existing locations is certainly a challenge for PLN, because development is located in the existing Identification Substation which is actively operating.

Octavianus added that many challenges faced in the construction of this project, the PLN team had to work carefully with a high level of focus.

"For this reason, we need to apply the Occupational Safety and Health aspect carefully in the construction of this project," concluded Octavianus.

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