
JAKARTA - The national airline Garuda Indonesia is trying to optimize domestic market opportunities.

One of them is by returning to serve Makassar-Denpasar PP flights.

The flight route will be served three times per week.

President Director of Garuda Indonesia, Irfan Setiaputra, said that the Makassar-Denpasar PP flight will be served again on Friday, October 7, 2022. Irfan said, the re-operation of the Makassar -Denpasar PP route is part of the company's efforts to meet the community's needs for air transportation accessibility.

The Makassar-Denpasar PP flight route will later be served three times per week, namely on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, using the B737-800 NG fleet. Flights from Makassar will be served with a GA-621 flight which will depart from Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport at 18.30 WITA and are scheduled to arrive at I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Denpasar at 20.05 WITA.

Meanwhile, flights from Denpasar will be served with flight number GA-620 which departs from I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport at 20.50 WITA for further landing in Makassar at 22.15 WITA.

"The re-operation of the Makassar Denpasar PP flight route is part of the steps to develop the Garuda Indonesia flight network through optimizing opportunities for domestic market share, especially routes between hubs," he said in an official statement, Wednesday, October 5.

Furthermore, Irfan dealing with the operation of the flight route can present a choice of flight schedules to more seamless and diverse advanced destinations.

"We also hope that the opening of the Makassar-Denpasar PP flight route can also maximize the recovery momentum of the tourism sector, by connecting two national leading tourist destinations, namely Makassar and Denpasar, through direct flight services," explained Irfan.

In the future, said Irfan, the Makassar-Denpasar PP flight service will also facilitate the transportation of cargo commodities from Makassar consisting of general cargo and product marine such as tuna, live crabs, and lobster, which will be sent directly to Japan through the development of an international flight route network from Denpasar.

"Furthermore, the Makassar-Denpasar PP flight operational service is also one of Garuda Indonesia's efforts to support the G20 program which will be held in Denpasar in November, through the availability of safe and comfortable connectivity and accessibility for stakeholders who will attend these activities," said Irfan.

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