
JAKARTA - The dialogue forum between the global business community or Business 20 (B20) in the 2022 G20 Indonesia Presidency results in a program legacy that is believed to encourage G20 member countries to continue to collaborate sustainably, not stopping when the Indonesian Presidency ends. "Programs designed to be real commitments from just one initiative, which will last after the Indonesian B20 Presidency," said the 2022 Indonesian G20 Presidency Public Communication Team Maudy Ayunda in an official statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, September 30. Program heritage or legacy programs, he said, would provide tangible results on the support of G20 countries for the world's important issues, namely the green transition, inclusive growth, fair health services in the long term, and ensure B20 results can be implemented in the long term. In addition, this will also ensure that this year's B20 work is not only a recommendation from the private sector to the government, but also real programs in the future. Carrying the theme Advancing Innovative, Inclusive, and Collaborative Growth, the B20 meeting will encourage the creation of several things, namely innovation in traditional businesses and support inclusiveness and equal positions in the business community, with the aim that economic growth provides benefits for the general public. This group encourages government collaboration with various sectors ranging from entrepreneurs, academics, non-government organizations, as well as other related parties in sharing theoretical and practical expertise as an effort to make real changes. According to Maudy, B20 will advance the G20 agenda through a transformation led by the private sector by establishing six task force and one action institution, including trade and investment, energy, sustainability and climate finance and infrastructure, future of work and education, integrity and compliance, digitalization, and woman in business action counseling. “ Each task force and action agency is led by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Indonesia and a member of state B20 who will represent the interests of the Indonesian business world and economy,&rdquo said. Because the 2022 G20 Indonesia Presidency will invite 1,200 business leaders delegations from G20 countries, he said, every proposal can be directly discussed so that it becomes a bridge between the private sector and the public and between businesses and the government. For Indonesia, B20's steps will produce mutually beneficial policy recommendations between Indonesia and the G20 countries, which makes economic growth can be enjoyed by all levels of society in the short and long term. But what is most anticipated is that the forum will be a momentum for Indonesia to display structural reform measures in the midst of a pandemic, such as when the issuance of the Job Creation Law and the Indonesia Investment Authority (INA). This will certainly increase the confidence of global investors in the business climate in Indonesia, so that many global partners can work together to benefit each other in order to help accelerate economic recovery, ” Maudy said. Maudy admits that the role of the private sector is very important in encouraging economic growth, especially in the country. It is noted that this sector is able to contribute 90 percent to job opening, 80 percent to government revenues, and 60 percent to investment. "The private sector contributes resources, capital, and innovation to the transformation of the national economy," he said. Seeing such a big impact, he also hopes that the community will also provide support to the Indonesian B20 Presidency to create an innovative, inclusive, and collaborative business ecosystem. The three main missions at the B20 meeting were first, seeking restorative recovery and collaborative growth where Indonesia would facilitate cooperation between countries to achieve strong and equitable recovery. Second, encouraging the creation of an innovative global economy where Indonesia supports the adoption of industrial technology and innovation, and third, realizing an inclusive and sustainable future.

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