
JAKARTA - The Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah conveyed that the total recipients of Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) in Southeast Sulawesi Province were 79,675 workers. However, only 19,286 workers have been distributed so far.

This was conveyed by Ida while accompanying President Joko Widodo in the distribution of BSU and Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) as a result of the adjustment to the price of fuel oil (BBM) in Baubau City, Southeast Sulawesi, Tuesday.

"For the acceptance of BSU in Southeast Sulawesi, the number of prospective recipients is 79,675 people. The realization in Southeast Sulawesi is 19,286 people, it has reached 24, 21 percent," said Minister of Manpower Ida, in an official statement, quoted on Tuesday, September 27.

According to Ida, every week the distribution continues through BPJS Employment of Southeast Sulawesi Province. Therefore, Ida estimates that the distribution of BSU will be completed within the next one month.

"Every week we will be gradual and this is every week one million, two million, God willing, in a period of one month maybe we can finish it," he said.

Ida said, the 2022 BSU was given by the government regardless of the level of workers, but because it saw the impact of the increase in fuel that hit all sectors from the end of Aceh to Papua.

"This Wage Subsidy Assistance is indeed from Sabang to Merauke," he said.

For your information, this BSU program is one of the government's efforts to maintain the purchasing power of workers in meeting their daily needs in the midst of Indonesia's economic condition which is still recovering after the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.

BSU 2022 is given to workers in the amount of Rp. 600,000 for each recipient who is channeled directly to the accounts of the workers. The assistance comes from the government budget and not the participant funds located at BPJS Employment. Pay subsidy assistance does not reduce participant funds registered with BPJS Employment.

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