
JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir likened LPG migration to induction stoves such as the transition from utilizing fuel oil (BBM) to electric vehicles.

Currently, said Erick, the government is still tidying up a blue map related to this energy transition.

Since 2003, Indonesia has imported fuel. The world fuel price continues to increase, so that the budget burden for subsidies which has also become increasingly burdensome for the state budget, has finally forced the government to take steps to reduce subsidies for fuel.

Departing from this, Erick said the government was encouraging the use of electric vehicles. Erick said, the target of using motorcycles and electric cars is 50 percent. However, he admits this is not easy.

Adapun rencana transisiasi energi dari BBM ke kendaraan listrik akan dimulai dari lingkungan kementerian maupun perusahaan pelat merah. Hal ini sejalan dengan Surat Edaran yang dikeluarkan Erick Thohir.

Dalam surat tersebut perusahaan pelat merah diminta menggantikan kendaraan dinas karyawan dan direksi dengan mobil atau motor listrik. Tentu dengan catatan disesuaikan dengan kemampuan perusahaan.

"This is still trying to tidy up the blue map regarding national energy. Like us, fuel imports from 2003, that's why we try motorbikes and electric cars. We think it can be 50 percent. But even then we know that the production of electric cars and car chips is difficult," he told reporters, quoted Thursday, September 22.

"This means that it's not easy, but should we give the white flag? That's why there is a breakthrough whose name is B40 raised from B30, plus there are ethanols that are mixed for fuel," he continued.

Like the energy transition from fuel to electric vehicles, both motorcycles and cars, said Erick, LPG migration to induction stoves is similar.

Moreover, Erick said, the plan is still being formulated with all stakeholders.

Thus, vehicles that use fuel can still be used, as well as LPG stoves that are not immediately lost.

"Similar to the electric stove, this is still a discussion, where will LPG disappear right away? No, the DME is still in 2028. Then because we are afraid that LPG will get bigger, we take the decision to change it to the electricity stove as much as possible? It's impossible," he said.

Erick added that LPG migration to electric stoves does not necessarily target the lower class.

However, it could actually target middle class, such as apartment residents or housing.

"The liquid import is assumed that in the end it will enter the apartment, in housing, not necessarily the (community) under. Not necessarily," he said.

For your information, the program carried out by PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) or PLN in villages such as Solo and Denpasar, Bali is a trial.

Erick said, PLN is still conducting trials in the field regarding this electric stove. Although there will be migration to the electric stove, Erick said that it will not reduce LPG gas.

"The PLN (is) a trial. The same is still the name LPG will continue," he explained.

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