
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is known to have proposed a budget of Rp. 25.7 trillion to the DPR for the payroll for the formation of Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) for next year's period.

Director General of Fiscal Balance at the Ministry of Finance Astera Primanto Bhakti said the allocation had been included in the 2023 State Budget Bill which is currently being discussed with parliament.

"PPPK salaries have always been a concern for all of us with a budget of Rp. 25.7 trillion," he said when attending a working meeting with the DPR Banggar on Wednesday, September 21.

For information, based on Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2014 Article 6 of the PPPK is included in the category of state civil servants (ASN) along with civil servants (PNS). Meanwhile, honorary workers are not ASN even though they work in the same institution.

In terms of wages, PPPK gets salaries, allowances, leave, competency development protection, and does not receive pensions. Then, this group works based on agreements at a certain time.

Meanwhile, civil servants get salaries, allowances, leave, pension guarantees and old age guarantees, as well as competency development protection. Meanwhile, honorariums do not have clear provisions.

Furthermore, Sri Mulyani's subordinate detailed that the budget for PPPK salaries was included in the general allocation fund (DAU) transferred by the central government to the regional government (Pemda) in the amount of Rp396 trillion.

In addition to the DAU, there are six other sectors that are the right of the regional government, namely revenue-sharing funds (DBH) of Rp136.2 trillion, special autonomy funds (DAK) of Rp17.2 trillion, special funds of Yogyakarta Rp1.3 trillion, village funds of Rp70 trillion, and fiscal incentives of Rp8 trillion.

"So the total transfer to the regions and village funds in the 2023 State Budget draft is IDR 814.7 trillion," concluded the Director General of Fiscal Balance at the Ministry of Finance, Astera Primanto Bhakti.

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