
JAKARTA - PT Sucofindo, PT Surveyor Indonesia (SI), and the Aceh Oil and Gas Management Agency (BPMA) signed a memorandum of understanding on Domestic Component Level Verification Services (TKDN), at the BPMA Office.

President Director of Sucofindo Wigrantoro Roes Setiyadi said the collaboration between BPMA and Sucofindo and SI was to support TKDN activities, especially in the upstream oil and gas business sector, which was carried out by the Cooperation Contract Contract Contract Contract (KKKS) in the Aceh authority area. This support is in line with Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of Increasing the Use of Domestic Products and Micro, Small, and Cooperative Products.

The role of TKDN for domestic industries is very vital because it is able to increase asset utilities. Therefore, through this collaboration, we are optimistic that we can increase the capacity for the use of domestic products in the upstream oil and gas sector, especially for the Aceh region," said Wigrantoro in an official statement, Monday 19 September.

Wigrantoro added that the scope of this business cooperation includes TKDN verification work which will be carried out by PT Sucofindo and PT SI in the implementation of the procurement of goods and/or services by KKKS, providing databases to support upstream oil and gas and realization of TKDN achievements, implementing TKDN pre-assessment, and providing TKDN technical guidance training on upstream oil and gas business activities to KKKS in the Aceh region.

Meanwhile, Head of the Aceh Oil and Gas Management Agency (BPMA) Teuku Mohamad Faisal explained that in his commitment to increasing TKDN, BPMA has issued regulations for the procurement of upstream oil and gas activities for KKKS in Aceh, with the basis for increasing National capacity.

"Regarding the National capacity, BPMA encourages cooperation in the Aceh region in increasing the TKDN implementation target, or Aceh (TKA) component level, for the procurement of upstream oil and gas goods and services. In 2022, BPMA is optimistic, TKDN upstream oil and gas in Aceh can reach 60 percent," said Faisal.

To improve this achievement until December 2022, BPMA continues to supervise the performance of KKKS, one of which is by requiring the use of domestic goods and services products by referring to the list of oil and gas domestic product Appreciation (PPE) and the Investigating List of Domestic Products or Products (DIBJPDN) from the Ministry of Industry and prioritizing domestic companies.

Furthermore, Faisal said that the realization of the achievement of upstream oil and gas TKDN in the Aceh region during the first semester of 2022 reached 57 percent, while the national average was 47 percent.

"To improve the achievement of TKDN until the end of 2022, BPMA will supervise the performance of KKKS in the process of procuring domestic goods and services," he added.

Therefore, Faisal said BPMA welcomes the work with Sucofindo and SI in TKDN verification and is in line with the support for government programs to increase the use of domestic products and services.

"Sucofindo and SI play an important role in TKDN verification service activities in order to create standardization of costs, time for implementing TKDN verification which will be implemented in the implementation of the procurement of goods and/or services by KKKS," said Faisal.

Faisal hopes that this collaboration can facilitate the implementation of KKKS TKDN verification in the Aceh region.

In addition, through training activities, we are able to measure the upstream oil and gas TKDN in Aceh. There are six KKKS in Aceh, which have different activities, namely the exploration and exploitation stage and require assistance from Sukofindo and SI," concluded Faisal.

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