
JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said electric vehicles, both motorbikes, and cars, will become official vehicles for employees of state-owned companies.

"We have agreed to encourage the use of battery-based electric motorized vehicles. Both two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles within BUMN, in the vehicle ownership program for employees and official vehicles," he said, quoted from the official Instagram @erickthohir, Tuesday, September 13.

Furthermore, Erick said that this step was in line with the government's commitment in accelerating the energy transition from fossil fuels to sustainable energy.

"BUMN as one of the pillars of the national economy has a role and responsibility in realizing the government's commitments, including in accelerating the Sustainable Energy Transition," he said.

Even so, Erick emphasized that the procurement of electric-based official vehicles would pay attention to the benefits and capabilities of each state-owned company.

"Of course, while still paying attention to the benefits and capabilities of each SOE," he said.

Previously, Erick Thohir required all state-owned companies to use electric vehicles. Especially the directors who get vehicle facilities from the government. The Ministry of SOEs is currently discussing the regulations related to this matter.

"BUMN will also issue a ministerial regulation (regarding) the transition of state-owned companies to use motorcycles and electric cars within a period of time, for example 2-3 years. We are still discussing this," he told reporters, quoted on Friday, September 9.

The former Inter Milan Club boss explained that this plan is still being discussed. Because, Erick admitted that he did not want the policies he issued would actually burden state-owned companies. Moreover, he said, the procurement of motorbikes and electric cars could be rented.

Not only for state-owned companies, but the Ministry of SOEs also encourages increased use of public transportation. Where, public transportation owned by the government will no longer use fossil fuels but electricity.

"Public transportation must be improved, that's why we proposed electric buses," he said.

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