
CIREBON - The processing capacity at the Pertamina Balongan Regency Regency, West Java, is currently increasing after the completion of the development project, from 125,000 previously, now rising to 150,000 barrels per day.

"After the completion of phase 1 development, there will be an increase in crude oil processing from 125,000 barrels to 150,000 barrels per day," said General Manager of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Refinery Unit VI Balongan Diandoro Arifian as quoted by Antara, Sunday, September 4.

According to him, the development of the Phase 1 refinery project or Refinery Development Master Plant (RDMP) at the Balongan Indramayu Refinery has a significant impact, especially in terms of increasing crude oil production capacity.

The RDMP phase 1 project, the Balongan Refinery, continued Diandoro, began on February 22, 2021, by upgrading the Crude Detilation Unit (CDU) unit and was successfully completed 100 percent in 2022.

One of the components added, to increase the capacity of the Balongan Refinery, namely by installing a "Preflash banyan" which has a height of 27 meters, a diameter of 3.5 meters, and a weight of 104, 2 tons, serves as a separation of crude into light factions (Offgas and Nafta) at the top and more severe factions to the bottom with the help of steam as energy sources.

He explained that RDMP phase 1 of the Balongan refinery is one of the National Strategic Projects (PSN) which aims to meet the increasing needs of domestic fuel.

Diandoro added, in addition to the RDMP that was successfully completed, the large-scale refinery maintenance project (Turn Around) and the Residue Catalytic Tracking (RCC) unit revitalization project were also successfully completed safely and smoothly.

"Balongan's refinery is currently in optimal condition, because maintenance is smooth, RDMP is complete so that refinery capacity rises, and the RCC also operates more optimally after revitalization," he said.

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