
JAKARTA PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia has won idA+ rankings from PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (Pefindo) with the company's prospects being stable. It is stated that this rating applies to sharia securities or Sukuk Mudharabah 2021 issued by the company.

Bank Muamalat President Director Achmad K. Permana said the achievements achieved reflected a stronger position in the Islamic banking industry, especially after the entry of the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) as a Controlling Shareholder (PSP).

"This rating from Pefindo shows that we have been back on track. The presence of BPKH as a new investor makes our capital stronger and of course makes us more optimistic to expand our business," he said in an official statement quoted on Saturday, August 27.

According to Permana, this idA+ rating is also a good momentum for the company in connection with plans to be listed on the stock exchange (listing). For information, Bank Muamalat is targeted to list its initial shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange later next year.

After this positive achievement, Bank Muamalat will focus on improving profitability and improving asset quality. One of the strategies is through synergies with BPKH as the company's controlling shareholder.

To note, currently BPKH holds 82.65 percent of Bank Muamalat's shares. However, BPKH only officially became the owner of Bank Muamalat after signing the transfer of shares from Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and SEDCO Group on Monday, November 15, 2021 and Tuesday, November 16, 2021.

The ceremony was attended by the President Director of Bank Muamalat Achmad K. Permana, Head of BPKH Implementing Agency Anggito Abhimanyu, Member of the BPKH Iskandar Zulkarnain, President Director of PT Perusahaan Pengelola Assets (Persero) Yadi Jaya Ruchandi and the attorney of IsDB and BERACO Group.

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