
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI, Maman Abdurrahman discovered a new mode of misappropriation of subsidized diesel fuel (BBM).

This mode was discovered during the recess when visiting West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan, as well as checking several BBM networks in Sumatra, Java, and parts of Sulawesi.

"With the fairly high price disparity between subsidized and non-subsidized fuel, this has even added to the previously existing bandits, kleptos who use narratives or take advantage of fuel subsidies in the field, perhaps even more extreme, people who steal, people who take advantage of or exploiting people's rights more and more," said Maman during a working meeting with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jakarta, Wednesday, August 24.

With the price disparity, continued Maman, many 'stealth' trucks appeared whose fuel tanks had been modified and joined the queue for fuel.

Maman said, the trucks waiting in line filled up the diesel fuel in full and resold it to the reservoir.

"Those stealth trucks that suddenly appear can be dozens. Not a few of the tanks were manipulated, which was originally 100 liters changed to 200 and some even 300 liters, entered the gas station and queued up to 20 trucks and were supported by officers," continued Maman.

Fuel purchased for IDR 5,000 will then be sold for up to IDR 10,000 to middlemen who will then resell it to fishermen with a price range of up to IDR 13,000.

"This reservoir is backed by unscrupulous persons, then sells it to fishermen who should get half the price of the subsidy but because they need a recommendation letter from the institution, inevitably end up buying fuel from the collector," continued Maman.

In addition to fishermen, Maman continued, the fuel is then also sold to miners in the interior at increasingly higher prices.

With this reality on the ground, Maman hopes that the government can take the right decision, so that the fuel subsidy is accepted by the people who are entitled to it.

"For this reason, the government must dare to push for fuel price adjustments. I have no problem raising or lowering prices but adjusting prices. So that the existing subsidies can be allocated to Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) which can be received directly by the poor so that they are more targeted," said Maman.

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