
JAKARTA - Vice President for Finance of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group Zamir Iqbal said the strategic partnership between Indonesia and the IsDB Group has developed into a dynamic and diverse portfolio. Its value reaches about 6 billion US dollars.

The portfolio finances more than 334 projects spanning various sectors such as agriculture, health, education, industry, energy and finance.

"This makes Indonesia one of the biggest beneficiaries of IsDB Group's products and services," said Zamir at The 6th Annual Islamic Finance Conference, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, August 24.

In this context, he reiterated that his party is committed to collaborating with Indonesia in realizing an economic transformation that will lead to a thriving, sustainable, diversified, resilient, and inclusive economy.

The challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic have made it difficult for several countries so that a safety net is urgently needed to be directly responsible for all vulnerable and underprivileged communities.

Therefore, Zamir said he was pleased that the 2022-2025 IsDB Group's Member Country Partnership Strategy (MCPS) for Indonesia program had been successfully launched on 19 July 2022, which took advantage of the IsDB Group's synergies in a tailored and partner-centered manner.

"IsDB Group's MCPS is fully aligned with the direction of financing the restructuring of the bank's strategy, so that the two main pillars will drive bank intervention in Indonesia in the next four years," he said.

He explained the first pillar, namely green, resilient and sustainable infrastructure which includes six critical infrastructure sectors. Meanwhile, the second pillar will promote inclusive capital, human resource development, with a focus on five complementary sectors and thematic areas, including MSMEs and job creation.

In addition, sectors that support these two pillars are Islamic finance, climate change, women and youth, and capacity building.

In 2022-2025, the MCPS will ensure that the six IsDB Group entities work as one entity to offer complementary and holistic services, which are fully aligned with the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024 and vision 2045.

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