
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo through the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia requested that the 35 percent of the participating rights released by Shell in the Masela Block be fully taken by PT Pertamina (Persero) or a national oil and gas company through financing supported by the Indonesia Investment Authority (INA).

"The president has ordered that those who leave are replaced by national entrepreneurs, either through INA or BUMN," said Bahlil during a press conference on Wednesday, July 27.

Responding to this possibility, Head of the Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) Dwi Soetjipto said the government had special attention regarding the possibility of Pertamina's involvement in managing the Masela Block.

"Pertamina has always been asked by the President to be involved and encouraged to be involved in the development of the Abadi Masela Field and currently Pertamina is studying open data, we will wait for Pertamina's response," he said in Jakarta, Monday, August 22.

Nevertheless, Dwi hopes that Pertamina can manage the Masela Block.

Because, by joining Pertamina, it will provide a sense of security for foreign investors to invest in the Masela Block.

"We hope that Pertamina can participate there (Masela) because foreign investors, if national players participate, of course feel safer, so we hope Pertamina can enter," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Commission VII DPR RI Sugeng Suparwoto opened his voice regarding the possibility of PT Pertamina (Persero) to become Inpex's partner in managing the Masela Block.

According to him, it is possible but Pertamina needs to spend a lot of money because if it wants to join, Pertamina must spend 6 billion US dollars.

"We are happy if it is managed nationally. Nationalists are allowed but must remain realistic. We still need foreign direct investment, so we need investors in oil and gas to replace Shell's position," he said on the sidelines of the Second National Capacity Forum at JCC Senayan Jakarta, Thursday , July 28.

In addition, according to him, Pertamina has also spent quite a lot of money to manage the Rokan Block.

"Pertamina can if it has the economic capacity. But Pertamina's current condition for the Rokan Block is still gasping for working capital for drilling," Sugeng continued.

Sugeng added that Indonesia still needs foreign investors to invest their capital, because investment is important as an engine to encourage economic growth.

"Growth is an investment, two are exports, three are consumption," he concluded.

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