
JAKARTA - PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (PKT) inaugurated a Rooftop Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in Bontang, East Kalimantan (Kaltim).

The operation of this PLTS also aims to achieve the target of reducing carbon emissions by up to 32.50 percent by 2030.

PKT's President Director, Rahmad Pribadi, said that the Rooftop PLTS has been built since May 2021 and is a form of PKT's commitment to the implementation of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) which is also contained in the growth roadmap of the two companies for the next 40 years.

"The development of the ESG concept by considering outputs that provide many benefits for the environment is our strategy in accelerating the rate of decarbonization of the petrochemical and fertilizer industry," said Rahmad in his statement, Friday, August 19.

Rahmad added, this Rooftop PLTS is one part of the New Renewable Energy (EBT) ecosystem in the PKT environment which is able to produce clean energy and reduce carbon gas emissions optimally.

"The ability of this Rooftop PLTS will be able to save 20 percent to 30 percent of PKT's energy needs in office areas," he continued.

The Rooftop PLTS with a total area of about 6,500 square meters utilizes existing areas, such as above the office building, canteen, and parking area at the PKT office complex in Bontang.

Having an installed capacity of 1,256.04 Kilowatt Peak (kWp) with an output specification of a 3 phase voltage of 400 Volts, this system is installed using a rooftop on grid scheme without batteries or connected to the PKT electricity network with a total of 2,326 modules.

This on-grid system can send the excess power generated if the PLTS experiences an excess supply to the network automatically.

So that the surplus power can later be used if needed. This system produces energy that is environmentally friendly and emission-free.

The installation of PLTS Roofs in office areas, continued Rahmad, was able to reduce the company's electricity consumption by an average of around 139,000 kWh per month.

For comparison, electricity consumption in PKT office areas previously averaged over 150,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) per month.

From January to August 2022, PKT Rooftop PLTS production has reached a total of 980.71 megawatt hours (mWh), with the potential for energy production per day reaching 3.21 mWh with full sun conditions.

In addition, the amount of energy production is able to reduce waste gas emissions (CO2 Avoided) reaching a total of 468.26 tons, or equivalent to the use of coal (Standard Coal Saved) which was previously used in conventional power plants to 394.34 tons.

"With the inauguration of the utilization of PLTS Roof in the office environment, it is hoped that it can be a supporting factor for the company in achieving the target of reducing carbon emissions in a sustainable manner," said Rahmad.

In the future, said Rahmad, PKT will continue to focus on presenting the best strategies and breakthroughs to become a pioneer in the transformation of a greener petrochemical industry, as well as to improve overall energy efficiency.

"And most importantly, the PKT will also continue to invite all levels of society to be more concerned about the environment," concluded Rahmad.

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