
JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is known to allocate a fairly large budget of IDR 44.8 trillion in the 2022 State Budget in an effort to handle stunting cases in Indonesia.

Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara revealed that the funds were included in the health cluster distributed to 17 ministries/agencies as well as local governments.

"The condition of failing to grow in children (stunting) has implications for the next generation, implications for life, productivity, to the economic life, productivity and progress of Indonesia," he said in a written statement quoted on Thursday, August 18.

According to Suahasil, the government is targeting a reduction in stunting prevalence to 14 percent by 2024 from the current condition of around 24 percent.

"Let's work together in synergy and collaborate to reduce the prevalence of stunting in Indonesia as our effort to push Indonesia forward," he said.

Separately, the collaboration of various parties in the region can be seen from the collaboration between the Bogor City Government and the Saraswati Nuraeni Murdisah Foundation under the auspices of the Melli Darsa Center (MDC).

Deputy Mayor of Bogor Dedie Abdu Rachim said that the contribution of the non-government sector is very important in the success of important national programs, such as what the MDC has done through the provision of free immunization for children.

"Representing the people of Bogor, we appreciate this step to continue to encourage a healthier life, because in 2045 Indonesia is targeting a golden generation and we are maintaining that opportunity through ways like this," he said.

The same thing was said by the Founder of the MDC Foundation, Melli Nuraeni Darsa.

She said what she did was a form of contribution of citizens to the progress of the nation.

“As a woman, I really want to have a place devoted to mothers and children, because the pillar of the nation is women. This is my dream," she said.

Meanwhile, the Saraswati Nuraeni Mudirsah Foundation is a non-profit organization that focuses on social activities with a focus on the health, education, and legal sectors.

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