
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) today, Tuesday, August 16, is scheduled to take part in a series of agendas for the 2022 MPR Annual Session at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta.

Based on the information gathered by the editors, there are a number of important agenda items that will be attended by the Head of State. One of the concerns is related to the submission of the 2023 State Budget Draft Law to the DPR.

The following is a complete list of the agenda for the 2023 MPR Annual Session which will take place today, Tuesday, August 16.

9.30: Chairman of the MPR, Chairman of DPR, Chairman of DPD, President, and Vice President enter the Plenary Meeting Room

9.35: Sing Indonesia Raya and have a moment of silence

9.38: Opening of the Annual Session of the MPR and the Joint Session of the DPR and Introduction to the introductory speech from the Chairperson of the MPR

9.58: Speech from the Chair of the DPD in the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD

10.18: President's speech related to the submission of performance reports of state institutions along with the Speech of the 77th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia

11.05: Prayer Reading

11.12: Closing of the 2022 MPR Annual Session

11.22: Sing Indonesia Raya anthem

Submission of the 2023 State Budget Bill

13.28: Leaders of the MPR, DPR, President and Vice President enter the Plenary Meeting Room

13.35: Opening Speech

13.50: President Jokowi delivers an introductory speech on the 2023 State Budget Bill

14.35: Submission of the 2023 APBN Bill to the Chair of the DPR and the Chair of the DPD

14.45: Prayer Reading

14.50: Closing of the Plenary Meeting

14.57: Singing the anthem Indonesia Raya

15.07: Meeting is over. The Chairperson of the MPR, DPR, President, and Vice President leave the Plenary Meeting room

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