
JAKARTA - The determination of a number of suspects from the leadership of PT Rantau Utama Bhakti Sumatra by the Directorate of Economic and Special Crimes (Ditipideksus) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Department is considered an attempt to criminalize investors in Indonesia.

Those suspected of embezzlement in their positions, namely the president director together with the commissioners and other directors of PT Rantau Utama Bhakti Sumatra, transferred the shares belonging to the complainant as the owner of PT Batubara Lahat.

According to PT Rantau Utama Bhakti Sumatra's attorney, Ricky Hasiholan Hutasoit, the determination of his client as a suspect by Bareskrim investigators was a reckless act and an attempt to criminalize mining investors.

Moreover, he continued, PT Batubara Lahat (BL) in South Sumatra had also been reported regarding the alleged illegal sale of coal that harmed its investors.

"It should be suspected that the determination of this suspect is criminalization as an excuse so that PT Batubara Lahat (BL) can freely violate the cooperation contract agreement that has been agreed previously," Ricky told reporters in Jakarta, Saturday, August 13.

As is known, PTBL is suspected of having carried out illegal mining without the permission of the directors of PT Rantau Utama Bhakti Sumatra as the beneficial owner.

"Obviously this is the reverse, who is doing the embezzlement here? We have strong evidence. So it's unfortunate that in the midst of the performance and credibility of the Police being highlighted, investors who incidentally want to improve the Indonesian economy are even criminalized. irresponsible parties," he explained.

"We have evidence that the complainant is a party who wants to control the assets of the reported party without heeding business ethics and using criminal law loopholes," he continued.

Meanwhile, Trisakti University Criminal Law Expert, Abdul Fickar, said that the handling of a criminal act by the Police should be carried out carefully on the subject of the perpetrator of the crime.

"In the sense of not disrupting corporate business activities. If the wrong steps and unprofessionalism in handling it cause investors and their capital to run away. The point is not to damage the investment climate," said Fickar.

He said, if the investigation of this case is haphazard and it is suspected that there is an attempt to criminalize it, it has the potential to worsen investor confidence to invest in Indonesia.

"Don't let the Police become a tool of criminalization by individuals or corporations looking for profit, thus making the way of handling investigations unprofessional and disrupting the investment climate. This must be avoided, because it is not impossible that it will result in the escape of PMA or PMDN," he said.

Meanwhile, Economic Observer at Pelita Harapan University (UPH) Tanggor Sihombing said that Polri investigators needed to maintain business continuity and protect workers, especially in this case.

"One of them is the breakthrough of ultimum remedium, which means that criminal law is made as a last resort in law enforcement," said Tanggor.

For information, the determination of the suspect is based on the Investigation Order Number SP.Sidik/415N/Res.1 .11./2021/Dittipideksus, on May 3, 2021. Then, Notification of the Commencement of Investigation Number: R/182N/RES.1 .11. /2021/Dittipideksus, on May 5, 2021.

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