
MAMUJU - Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo supports the Food Freedom program launched by the Acting Governor of West Sulawesi Akmal Malik.

"Sulbar has great potential such as rice, corn and soybeans, so that with this declaration it can add value to food production in West Sulawesi," said Syahrul Yasin Limpo, while attending virtually the declaration of the Free Food movement, reported by ANTARA, Saturday, August 13.

The Food Freedom Program was marked by planting corn and soybean seeds in the Sese neighborhood, Simboro District, Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi, Saturday.

This step is an effort to deal with the threat of a food crisis that haunts the global community.

The Minister of Agriculture is ready to support what is being done in West Sulawesi and hopes that all regions can follow the same movement.

"The food issue is a very important issue and cannot be postponed," said Syahrul Yasin Limpo.

Meanwhile, Acting Governor of West Sulawesi Akmal Malik said the Food Freedom movement in West Sulawesi was in line with President Joko Widodo's direction in preparing efforts to deal with the global food crisis. Specifically in West Sulawesi, said Akmal Malik, the focus is on two commodities, namely corn and soybeans.

"Today's target of planting corn and soybeans is on an area of 14 hectares in a number of points spread across six regencies throughout West Sulawesi. This is the first step, then planting by six districts and our target is 40 thousand hectares," said Akmal Malik.

As many as 40 thousand hectares of land for planting corn and soybeans, he continued, the plan is to spread over land managed by farmers, the general public and the government in six districts.

"From the target planting area, it is expected to produce six tons per one hectare later," said Akmal Malik.

Akmal reminded that the harvest from the land that has been cultivated through the Food Freedom movement is not for sale.

"We distribute it to the community and I ask that it be not sold. Hopefully this will be a good step for food security in West Sulawesi, especially facing the food crisis," Akmal Malik.

He also expressed his gratitude for the support and cooperation of various parties so that the Food Freedom movement can run smoothly.

"Thanks to the community, especially the farmers. This movement can be successful when we work together, the key is collaboration," said Akmal Malik.

Meanwhile, Head of West Sulawesi DPTHP Muhtar said the declaration was followed by all agricultural offices in West Sulawesi and the agricultural community.

He said that the Merdeka Pangan program was prioritized on soybeans.

"If we have a surplus of rice and corn, the rest of the soybeans need to be increased. So that on this occasion soybeans will become a mandatory crop for farmers who participate in this program considering that the current availability is very limited," said Muhtar.

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