
JAKARTA - PT Bumi Siak Pusako (BSP) has officially taken over the management of the Coastal Plain Pekanbaru (CPP) Work Area (CPP) after 20 years of being jointly managed by Pertamina Hulu and Regional Owned Enterprises (BUMD).

PT BSP is a BUMD with share ownership from the Riau Provincial Government of 18.07 percent, Siak Regency Government of 72.29 percent, Kampar Regency Government of 6.02 percent, Pelalawan Regency Government of 2.41 percent, and Pekanbaru City Government of 1.21 percent.

Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto said this decision was based on the hope that the people of Riau would not only benefit from the financial side, but also the ability to manage human and natural resources in the region to improve welfare, prosperity, and a better regional life in the future. front.

"Twenty years have passed, and now the milestone in the management of WK CPP has shifted 100 percent to the best sons and daughters of Riau Province, through PT. BSP. Therefore, on this occasion, we on behalf of the management of SKK Migas and the upstream oil and gas industry would like to give an appreciation of "The magnitude and gratitude for the cooperation and contribution of all Pertamina ranks who have accompanied and managed this CPP WK," said Dwi in an official statement, Wednesday, August 10.

Since the management of the CPP WK from Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) to BOB Bumi Siak Pusako-Pertamina Hulu, more than 250 wells have been drilled to increase production and maintain a sharp decline in production.

Meanwhile, for the CPP WK long term plan in 2026, production is targeted to reach 21,000 barrels of oil per day (BOPD).

“Later on, the CPP WK is targeted to achieve a production of 56 thousand BOPD in 2033, in accordance with the target set by PT. BSP on the transfer of management proposal. With the addition of upstream oil and gas activities to achieve the production target, it will certainly be able to improve the economy in Riau Province, "explained Dwi.

President Director of Pertamina Hulu Rokan, Jaffee A Suardin said the togetherness of Pertamina and PT BSP for the last 20 years was a very meaningful gift.

This partnership is a form of harmonious cooperation between BUMN and BUMD.

“Since it was received from PT CPI in 2002, CPP WK has produced 125 million barrels which generates revenue of US$1.4 billion. During the 20 years being managed by BOB, there have been no work accidents that claimed lives. BOB has also disbursed social and environmental responsibility funds of up to IDR 70 billion,” he said.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PT BSP, Iskandar said, during the collaboration with Pertamina, PT BSP has received the transfer of knowledge and knowledge.

With this provision, he said, he added and strengthened the optimism of the oil and gas BUMD, the pride of the Riau people, to be able to increase oil production in the CPP WK.

"During 2022, BSP will continue drilling 15 development wells and 1 exploration well. The drilling was carried out in order to restrain the rate of natural decline in production. The financing for the drilling of exploration and exploitation wells is borne by BSP and is running smoothly," said Iskandar.

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