
JAKARTA - As a form of concern for the company, PT Industri Jamu Dan Pharmasi Sido Muncul Tbk (SIDO) again held a Free Cleft Lip Surgery social service in collaboration with Smile Train Indonesia at Selaras Hospital, Cisauk - Tangerang, on Saturday, August 6, 2022.

Cleft lip surgery assistance worth Rp280 million was symbolically handed over by Sido Muncul Director Irwan Hidayat to Smile Train Indonesia Country Manager and Program Director Deasy Larasati witnessed by PT Bintara Director Arnirah Saraswati as the owner of Selaras Hospital.

Assistance was given to 40 patients with cleft lip in the Tangerang and surrounding areas, which was carried out in stages after the patients underwent the screening process the day before.

Director of Sido Muncul, Irwan Hidayat said that free cleft lip surgery assistance is not the first time Sido Muncul has implemented. Sido Muncul has performed free cleft lip surgery seven times since 2018 which was held in several regions in Indonesia.

"We have done this social service at ST Carolus Borromeus Hospital, Kupang East Nusa Tenggara twice, North Sumatra Dolok Sanggul Hospital, Sari Asih Hospital Serang Banten, Surodadi Tegal Hospital, and Wonosobo Hospital Central Java. The total number of patients who have been operated on is 142 patients. ," said Irwan Hidayat in his statement Monday, August 8.

"We again provide assistance for 40 patients. Our assistance is focused on patients who come from underprivileged families. We hope the operation goes smoothly so that patients can smile again and can increase their confidence in socializing," added Irwan

Cleft lip is a birth defect that occurs in the lip and palate. The gap can be in the middle, right, or left of the lip. In addition to the upper lip, cleft palate can also occur on the roof of the mouth.

Many factors cause this case, namely malnutrition in the first three months of pregnancy where body organs begin to form, lack of one of the mineral elements (Zn) contained in the water drunk by the mother of the baby-to-be, heredity, close family marriages, and others. Facts show that in Indonesia, most people with cleft lip and palate come from underprivileged families.

Cleft lip sufferers often face a number of obstacles in life. The obstacles they have to face start from having difficulty eating food, talking to socializing in the community.

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